If you do not follow Natalie Live from The Tiny Closet then you need to. Her lifestyle blog showcases her unique style from her limited wardrobe that only comprises of pieces she loves and creates. I follow Natalie not because of her style, but because I love her stories and I love her hair. Did I mention that I love her hair? Like myself, Natalie is a no-fuss, wash and go natural. She would rather savor pastries with her husband, share wine with friends, or run to a barre class than spend hours on her hair. I am not saying you cannot do all of those things and wear a twist out, but well…you get my point. Prior to a few weeks ago, Natalie only made two hair care posts. When I visited her site on Dec. 7 I noticed that she published a wash and go video tutorial and my hair leaped with joy! This is not your average rake and shake tutorial. Natalie’s method is very unique and like no other technique that I have seen from a vlogger with coily or Type 4 hair. Here are the steps to achieving Natalie’s signature wash and go.

Products and Tools



  1. Detangle, wash, and conditioner your hair as usual.
  2. Flip your soaking wet hair upside down. You will be upside throughout the entire product application process.
  3. Apply the Camille Rose Curl Love Moisture Milk throughout your hair with your fingers, making sure to thoroughly coat your strands from roots to ends.
  4. Distribute the product with your fingers and then glide your hair through your hands like the praying hands method. This will help to lift your roots and stretch your curls.
  5. Apply 1-2 tablespoons of Camille Rose Curl Maker using the same technique from step 4.
  6. Place the towel or t-shirt around the nape of your neck and wrap it turban style on the top of your head. 
  7. Use clips to set the towel. Do not tuck the towel. Now, you can stand upright.
  8. Let the towel sit for 15 min. but no longer than 20 min. This will ensure that your roots are lifted, your curls are stretched, and your hair is damp. 
  9. Gently remove the towel and allow your hair to naturally fall. Then, carefully place your hair where you would like it to set. If you want to wear a part, this is the time to create one.
  10. Use a blow-dryer to expedite drying time. Use the highest heat with the lowest pressure or the highest pressure with the lowest heat. 

Watch the video below

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