Summer is great for outdoor activities and enjoying vacations but it can also be a threatening time for your hair and skin.

wavy hair girl on beach
photos courtesy of stock_colors – Getty Images

The sun can be very damaging to our hair and skin.

Hair can become oily, look greasy, super frizzy and be unflattering. Factor in the damage of chlorinated or ocean water exposure… your hair can become a nightmare of mid-shaft splits and the splitting ends. These problems can be avoided easily, even if you’re a “Lazy Natural” as Imani Dawson puts it!

Wear UV protection

  • Use products on your hair and skin that contain SPF and ingredients for protection.
  • Wear a hat or scarf over your hair. It is protective and stylish.
  • Wet your hair and apply oil prior to swimming.
  • Make sure your hair is not 100% loose while in the water because this can cause it to tangle up and it is miserable to try to undo. Put it in a bun or create a chunky braid. Flat twist your hair if it is short.

Minimize your chemical treatments

  • Summer heat is already very drying so go easy on chemical treatments. Dyed hair tends to fade more in the sun. If you have permanent hair dye a demi or semi-permanent is usually a good way to amp up your color without the use of a 30-volume developer. Consult with a licensed colorist prior to any DIY color session.

Maintain a healthy diet

  • Eat fat! Yes that is right, you need fat. Nutrition has a direct correlation with the health of your hair. Fatty diet keeps your hair most and moisturized. Make sure it you are eating the correct types of fat; on your next grocery run grab some nuts, flaxseeds, avocados, coconut oil and olive oil.
  • Protein is necessary. Hair is made of collagen that comes from protein. Excellent sources of protein are natural yogurt, eggs and fish.
  • Stay hydrated. Consume enough water daily. Sweet drinks can be very dehydrating. Water is still the ultimate source of internal and external hydration.
fair wavy hair girl on beach

Don’t skip cleansing & conditioning

  • Many people wash their hair more often during the summer. This is due to increased oil production by the skin, sweating from physical activities and much more. The more frequently your hair is washed the more important a gentle cleanser should be.
  • Use sulfate-free shampoos or cleansing conditioners during this season. 
  • Follow up with a great deep conditioner. This will help replenish the moisture that was removed from the hair during cleansing and to smooth the cuticle layer. The smooth cuticle layer aids in moisture retention because moisturized hair is less likely to experience damage compared to hair that is dry.

Avoid heat styling tools

  • If you must use a blow dryer or flat iron, be sure to keep them at a medium setting and lessen your usage to once per week.
  • Using a diffuser on cool setting or air drying works if you don’t have a ton of time to air dry. This is great for your hair and easy to do. Moisturize with Florets & Crème with a bit of Daily Dew oil, twist and set the ends on flexi rods and let it air dry. Do what is easier for you.

Keep your styles low-maintenance

  • Wear hairstyles that require low manipulation like Marley twists or a high bun. However, don’t keep your hair in the same position regularly. Hair becomes prone to damage in the areas that have the most pressure applied.
  • Move your bun around, part your braids differently each time you have them done. Another simple way to style your hair is by using a cute hair clips and bobby pins. They are not damaging and are effective for those with sensitive scalps.

Go for the laziest yet most effective hair care possible for you. Enjoy the summer fun without the fuss.

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