Hello to all the Mermaids and Mermen out there! If you are tired of an old flat braid out or twist out, and are in need of wild and big hair, this is the tutorial for you! I also prefer to be loud and proud with volume. Whether it’s a day old or two weeks old you can achieve big hair. For this style, I started off on a 4-day old braid-out. The only product I used to achieve this look is pure, unrefined coconut oil.

The only product I used to achieve this look is pure, unrefined coconut oil.

If you don’t have coconut oil, any oil of your preference will be effective! Starting off,  I Part my hair into 4 sections. From there I separate one section into another 6-8 sections (you can just eyeball it”>. I take about a thumbnail sized amount of coconut oil from the jar, rub it into my hands and work it into my hair with a downward motion.

1. I detangle starting from my roots to my ends. Remember to do a very gentle raking motion through each section of hair.

2. After collecting your shed hair, twist up the mini section and move on.

3. Continue separating your hair all around your head. If your finished look still isn’t big enough for you, use your fingers to “pick” out the roots for  that extra volume!


This style is for men and women who have time and patience. So if you have somewhere to be in less than an hour, I say, try another style! 

-Nefertiti the MerQueen

Subscribe to Nefertiti Bourne’s YouTube channel and follow her on Instagram.

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