brushing natural hair
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Have you ever been told that you are not supposed to use a brush on wet hair? Or curly girls should not use brushes because it will cause frizzy hair? While that is a good general rule of thumb, it is not always the case. Depending on the brush and how you are using it, you can use the styling tool without damaging those beautiful curls.

How to use a shampoo brush

This brush will not be used to detangle your curls, but it can be used to gently cleanse your scalp. While cleansing your scalp, it is important to remember not to scratch your scalp with fingernails because it can cause more irritation. A shampoo brush is a great way to cleanse your scalp and also increase blood circulation in your scalp.

How to use a detangling brush

This brush is not a stranger to the natural hair community. Curlies use a variety of detangling brushes such as the Denman brush and Tangle Teezer. Due to the spacing of the rows in some of these brushes, it is more difficult to use while brushing your hair dry. Some curlies remove a few the rows, also known as modifying, in the brush so the spacing can be wider. It may be best to only use this brush while your hair is wet. Before use, also apply a leave-in conditioner or rinse-out conditioner with enough slip that will aid in your detangling session. Another best practice to use before detangling is to comb your hair with a wide tooth comb before use. Although this brush can be used for detangling, it could also be used for styling. While you are applying your moisturizing and styling products, use this brush to smooth your curls from bottom to the top for best results with your twist outs, braid outs, and even wash and go’s!

How to use a boar bristle brush

A boar bristle brush is a great addition to have in your styling tools. The brush works best for styling on dry hair and is great to use for smoothing your curls. Do you love smooth edges? This is the perfect brush to smooth your edges down before you head out for your day. Simply apply your favorite edge control, brush your edges down, tie a satin scarf down to keep your edges smooth, and take off your scarf before you head out! This brush can also be used to put your hair in sleek and smooth ponytails and buns. If you need a smooth twist-out, use this brush to smooth your hair after detangling your stretched, dry hair. It will also help distribute the product evenly. 

How to use a paddle brush

Paddle brushes can also be used for natural hair! However, you have to use the brush carefully since the bulbs at the bristles can snag on your curls. This brush can help remove shed hair while detangling with a comb. In addition, this brush can assist with heat styling. For example, when achieving a blow-out, try using the comb attachment with your blow-dryer at first to keep your hair detangled. Whenever you are finished, carefully take a paddle brush and smooth your hair with the blow-dryer for a more finished look. A paddle brush can also be used to install your hair into a wrap to maintain your straight hairstyle.

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