You may know of frankincense and myrrh from the biblical story of the three wise kings and their gift to the infant Jesus. But myrrh has had ancient uses dating back thousands of years for everything from insect repellant to eyeliner. 

Myrrh is a resin and essential oil which is considered antimicrobacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral through its immunity boosting properties, making it an ideal scalp clarifier. It also reduces phlegm and helps end the body fight colds, coughs, measles, and mumps. Myrrh has been known to cleanse the body of harmful toxins and salts, and is often used in aromatherapy.

Note that excess amounts of myrrh oil, like most things, can result in adverse health effects. It is suggested that pregnant women do not use myrrh topically because it stimulates the uterus in a way that can be harmful to a fetus.

Hair Benefits of Myrrh

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