Your friend who has been on the fence about getting the big chop finally took the plunge, and she is turning to you for constant reassurance that it looks good on her. But now her curls are in that awkward stage that nobody–you nor her–can quite put your finger on. Remember when your mother used to say, “If you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say anything at all!” ? Now is the time to put that into motion. She’s going to need all the support she can get, and since you were the one who talked her into doing it, you are obligated to be her shoulder during this transition.

Photo Courtesy of Rickey Smiley Morning Show

1. You look like a school boy.

Comparing your thirty-something-year-old friend to a member of the opposite sex who likely hasn’t hit puberty yet? That’s a no no.

Photo Courtesy of Singers Room

2. When are you going to style it?

We all know how challenging it can be to style a new big chop. Instead of bashing your newly natural friend, encourage her by sending her a few links to websites like (duh!”> that will walk her through different hairstyle options for her hair type and length.

Photo Courtesy of Magic Baltimore

3. Girl, who did that to your head?

If you would like to inquire about your friend’s stylist who she trusted so much as chop her hair off, do so politely.

Photo Courtesy of The Sun

4. You’ll grow into it eventually.

Grow into it? She is already grown. And unless she succombs to the pressure of covering up her big chop with wigs and extensions, she will be rocking this new cut for a while. So get used to it, and help her to do the same.

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