Nikki Mae

7. How did you become a successful blogger?

When I started blogging/vlogging, I had absolutely NO idea what I was doing or even the potential opportunities it could bring. I think that’s what really helped me because I was solely focused on sharing my natural hair journey as far as what was working and wasn’t working for me when it came to hair care. I was also fortunate to build friendships with other bloggers that I looked up to and definitely learned from them as I carved out my own path. It’s a continuous learning experience and there are so many great resources online that have helped me along the way as well. 

8. What do you like most about blogging/vlogging?

I love the FREEDOM! It’s an amazing feeling to be able to share your thoughts and experiences with basically the world! I also love the continuously growing network of people I’ve been able to come in contact with over the years. I know I’ve grown in so many areas because of the diverse group of people that the world of blogging has brought to me. 

9. What do you want to do beyond YouTube?

Right now I’m really focused on completing my Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering. That is my priority número uno right now, but I’m looking forward to doing some more traveling to host events in the U.S. and abroad centered on natural beauty/healthy living next year. I had an amazing opportunity to host an event in Trinidad this year for natural hair care and it really gave me the desire to travel more and interact on a one-on-one basis. Writing posts and uploading vids is great but I personally love being able to talk to people face-to-face. 

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