fennel seeds

Fennel seeds are thick, spindle-shaped taproot has deep green feathery leaves that bear golden-yellow flowers in umbels. The leaves, stalks, and bulbs are all edible and have a crunchy texture that is great when added to salads, pesto and even baked goods with its licorice-like flavor. Fennel has a sweet and spicy aroma and is a sought-after ingredient for many Mediterranean dishes. All parts of the plant are used for flavorings with the stalks being used as a vegetable and the seeds have been used traditionally as relief of digestive problems but not just for adults. It has been used for ages to treat colic and upset tummies of babies and bloating and morning sickness for pregnant women. 

Health benefits of fennel seeds

The seeds have therapeutic benefits and in Ayurvedic medicine they are used in body detox and skincare. The seeds contain huge amounts of phytochemical alpha-pinene, which act like an expectorant. According to Medical News Today, fennel seeds contain chemicals that act as plant estrogens but also have nutrients like amino acids, calcium, choline, essential fatty acids, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and vitamins B, C, E, and K. We cannot forget its fiber content and how it aids in proper digesting and regularity. With its estrogenic effects, it is often used to increase the supply of breast milk in nursing mothers. The fiber, potassium, folate, and vitamins B-6 and C supports heart health.

Skin and hair benefits of fennel seed oil

The seeds and the oil have several benefits for both your skin and hair. It is great as an infusion to unclog grime, dirt, excess sebum, and dead cells in our pores. Fennel seeds have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is a great natural remedy for combatting acne.

Fennel seed water infusion

  • 1 tbsp. fennel seeds
  • 2 cups distilled water
  • A few drops of fennel essential oil (optional”>
  • Clean empty glass bottle with a cork

Heat water in a pot. Add seeds, cover, and allow them to steep for 20 min. Once cooled remove seeds, pour water into cleans glass bottle, and add a few drops of essential fennel oil. To use simply soak a clean cotton ball with fennel seed water and wipe your face to remove dirt, bacteria, and buildup. Those antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties are great for treating scalp ailments like dandruff and itching. Being rich in antioxidants and vitamins like vitamin E makes this a great protector of hair cells from free radicals. For hair, fennel tea is optimal whether drinking or as a tea rinse because it will wash away chemical buildup and impurities while adding shine.

Fennel seed tea hair rinse

  • 2 cups water
  • 3 spoonful of fennel seed powder

Bring water to a boil and then add fennel seed powder. Leave undisturbed for 15 min. before stirring and then allowing to cool. Use as a final rinse after shampooing and conditioning hair and do not rinse out.

Using fennel seed water created with powder and oil will stave off dandruff, bacteria, and inflammation while reducing hair loss. Fennel seed oil blends well with geranium, lavender, rose and sandalwood oils, but just make sure you are not allergic to fennel seeds prior to trying them either in the oil, water, or powder.

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