If you have curly hair, you have most likely experienced dry, crunchy curls.

According to our sources at CurlyNikki.com, “Naturally curly hair is prone to dryness because of the structure of the hair. The natural oils produced by the scalp of those with curly/kinky hair are not able to travel all the way down the hair shaft because of the twists and turns of the curls.”

Although this fact of life is inevitable, there are hair care products available to us that help alleviate dryness. Noughty Haircare products moisturize, condition, and soften wavy, curly, and coily hair with vegan ingredients.

The key ingredients in both the Noughty Moisture Boost Shampoo and Conditioner are natural emollients: sweet almond, olive oil, sunflower, and much lauded shea butter. These vegan ingredients are perfect for curlies looking for the most effective way to add moisture to dry curly strands without any animal products.

The most exciting part of trying a new product line is the anticipation of it actually staying true its claims of moisturized, frizz-free curls. When going into any new product arena, I have three requirements: innovation, safety, and efficacy. Does Noughty Haircare fit all of my criteria? Well, l would like to walk you, step-by-step, through my process (and you will have a chance to try your own process through our #HaveYouTriedThis giveaway!”>.

STEP 1 – Cleanse curls with a gentle shampoo

First, I will start with the shampoo to cleanse my scalp and to take off the current product I have in my Bantu knots (I used way too much gel for them and got a ridiculously flaky Bantu knot out – boooo!”>. Noughty To The Rescue Moisture Boost Shampoo contains sweet almond and sunflower seed extracts – Vegan ingredients that promise to restore damaged hair, protect ends from breakage, and reduce frizz from occurring.

Okay – number one – this lather is the TRUTH. Upon the first application, my curls were cleansed thoroughly, but I went ahead and went in for a second application to get to my roots and scalp. Ladies, let me tell you: I am pleased. I am ecstatic.

This shampoo is the new numero uno in my Holy Grail because it not only cleanses, it gently clarifies. When you have a bit of gunk built up on your scalp, you need a clarifying cleanser that moisturizers and this one takes all of the cake.

STEP 2 – Condition curls

Next up, I am conditioning my hair with Noughty To The Rescue Moisture Boost Conditioner. It is the complement to the shampoo; however, its ingredients include shea butter (yes!”> and olive oil (double yes!”>.

The conditioner has a lightweight consistency that still massages easily into textured hair. It also has a very pleasant scent which is a bonus for curlies that do not like that chemical stench that comes with some products. I massaged the conditioner into my strands for about two minutes because #selfcare and then rinse it out.

You guys. My hair is legit cleansed and moisturized right now. I am so happy!

STEP 3 – Leave-in conditioner for softness

Sure. I could tell you how absolutely divine the Noughty Intensive Care Leave-In Conditioner is, but wouldn’t you rather try it for yourself? After watching this sponsored tutorial video, learn how you can win your own tube of this nourishing, vegan leave-in.

Click GIF to see the tutorial video on our Instagram!

Give this leave-in a try by entering Noughty Intensive Care Leave-In Conditioner Giveaway now!

5 lucky winners will win the Noughty Intensive Care Leave-In Conditioner. All you have to do is leave a comment below telling us why you want to win!

Want this vegan leave-in right now? Visit SHOP NaturallyCurly to buy it online.

This #HaveYouTriedThis Giveaway ends Tuesday, June 20, 2017 and is open to U.S. residents only, as per our Terms and Conditions. 

*Please make sure you have liked us on Instagram and Facebook, so that we can notify you if you’ve won!

As ever, stay curly!

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