Achieving different styles

Not everyone will master every style. I can’t do a twist-out to save my life, but I can rock a mean wash and go and curly fro like a boss! Knowing your curl pattern can help you understand and accept whether reducing frizz and attaining curl definition is even an option. By nature, many Type 4 textures are frizzy, but this is not an indicator of dryness or damage; it also does not mean that everyone with Type 4 texture cannot achieve curl definition. If my hair is capable of achieving curl definition, I’m likely to use a technique from someone with a similar curl pattern. I have fine strands so flat twists and straight hair make my hair look thin. Knowing this, I am drawn to more styles that give me the volume I crave.

When trying to achieve a defined wash and go, wavies tend to scrunch with lighter products and coilies tend to shingle with thicker products. Notice I said tend, for these are not absolutes. These are all tips that help identify the best technique for the desired style, and when you couple that with the right product you see better hair days.

Understanding science

I’m a natural hair enthusiast that understands the healthy maintenance that my hair requires. I understand the science of these dead strands that I try to preserve as much as possible. Knowing your hair’s structure helps you understand how well your hair’s sebum travels down the length of the hair, how often you may need to wash or condition it, and which products yield the best results. If your scalp excretes sebum at an average rate then the tighter the curl, the more challenging it is for the sebum to travel, thus leaving tighter curls to demand more moisture than looser one.

It’s more about the hair shaft, cuticle, sebum production, and product buildup. By nature, the tighter the curl, the more porous it tends to be. It’s helpful, so next time someone asks “what’s my curl pattern?” take a deep breath and realize this person is just trying to understand this madness we call hair. Whether curly, coily, or wavy, we all need guidance on mastering our tresses.

Check out our discussion panel on Hair Typing: Does it Empower or Alienate Us with Miss Jessie’s Original co-founder Miko Branch, Karen Tappin of Karen’s Body Beautiful, & Imani Dawson, founder of the blog Tribe Called Curl.

 Does knowing your curl pattern help? In what way? Do you use all elements of the texture typing system?

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