How to Change Your Conditioner When the Seasons Change

It’s holiday season, the most wonderful time of year. And if you don’t live near the equator, chances are you will be walking in a winter wonderland very soon. And while your curls may have flourished in the summer, the onset of a new season may mean changing your hair routine. The cold air outside and the dry heat inside can create a perfect storm of tangles, frizz, and split ends. If your conditioner works through the winter, that’s great! But if you notice your hair is not behaving the way you’d like it to, here’s how to stay three steps ahead and keep your curls conditioned.


Put some moisture back with a steam conditioning treatment.

Steam conditioner treatments use simple heated water to put moisture back into your hair. The machines themselves can be a little costly but they are great for hydrating hair and even skin. If you can’t spend the money right now, simply take a very hot shower and let the steam work. For optimal results, apply Mielle Organics Mongongo Oil Hydrating Conditioner to you hair and sit under the steamer for no more than 20 minutes. Keep a little towel near you to catch the extra drip that forms.

How to Change Your Conditioner When the Seasons Change

Use a co-wash instead of washing your hair every week

Washing your hair every week or every day can strip a lot of essential nutrients away from your curls. Combined with the cold air of winter, your hair will be begging for moisture and your curls will probably be flat and unenthused. To avoid this and still have clean hair, use a co-wash like Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk Co-Wash Cleansing Conditioner or As I Am Coconut Cowash Cleansing Conditioner.


Meet your new best friend: deep conditioner

If you’re going to leave your hair out of a protective style, you have to deep condition your hair every week. No gimmicks, no tricks. Go easy on the shampoo because conditioners have products in them that can also cleanse your hair of any buildup. Adding shampoo may just strip whatever nutrients you have left. NaturallyCurly SHOP has conditioners for every type of hair. Mix and match products to find what works best for you.

Winter can truly be the most wonderful time of year, and you can’t let dry, brittle hair ruin that. Play in the snow all you want just as long as you’re equally playing in different conditioners. If you’re interested in finding more ways to take care of your hair in the winter, check out these tips.

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