What hair product can’t you live without?

I can’t live without Barry Fletcher’s Grease. It’s got all natural ingredients and hands down it moisturizes my hair the best out of anything I’ve tried whether I apply to wet hair, dry hair, curly or straight. It reminds me of the Blue Magic Coconut Oil that my mom used to use on my hair as a child but without the mineral oil and petroleum. 8.

Any words of wisdom that you would like to share with the masses about natural hair?

My advice would be that natural hair, by itself, is just a grooming/styling choice. It’s just hair. Not a big deal. But the meaning you assign to it is everything. If it causes you to reconsider other things that you’ve been taught that no longer feel right for you, then take that empowerment you feel from your hair and apply it to your whole life.

Your hair, your beauty, your life, your way. That is all.

GG talks big hair, pretty things, and deep thoughts on her blog All the Many Layers

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