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natural hair guru

How do the seasons affect your regimen?

Whitney: The seasons only slightly affect my hair. I’m the type of girl who loves beanie caps so I wear them year-round regardless of the weather. I guess the one thing I tend to do more in the summer is wear my hair in a wash and go. I’m more willing then because it’s super hot outside and I don’t feel like styling just to sweat it out. And in the wintertime, you’ll probably see my hair hidden inside the beanie cap more often to hide it, whereas in the summer, it’ll probably be loose in twists!

We’ve had the pleasure of watching your coily ringlets grow since 2009. What part of your regimen would you identify as the key to length retention?

Whitney: The key to length retention is moisturizing. If your hair isn’t moisturized, it’s going to create friction against itself, causing breakage and knots.

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