Photo Courtesy of Natalie Live

Protect your ends

You have to protect those precious ends! The way that I keep my ends protected is always sealing them with oil. I love coconut oil on my hair but there are others that you can use that you may like better (jojoba, olive, grapeseed etc”>. I usually wear my hair in twists or a high bun. This also protects them because they are tucked out of the way.

Low manipulation styling

This is a big one for me. I’m a lazy natural and I like to keep it very simple most of the time! I love a rod set sometimes, LOL! I mainly rock twists for a day, then wear my hair out for up to 3 days then bun it until it is wash day. I try not to touch or mess with my hair too much. This helped my hair grow and helped me to retain length.

Read more: 4 Ways to Protect Your Hair Without Extensions

Deep conditioning

I deep condition my hair at least every other week. I always want to make sure that my hair gets ample amounts of moisture. Deep conditioning helps protect your hair during styling.

Read more: The Do’s and Don’t of Deep Conditioning


Now this may shock you. I only trim my ends when needed. I am getting my hair straightened this weekend so I will get a trim then. I had my ends trimmed in March of this year as well.

Read more: Wet vs. Dry Trimming. Is One More Damaging?

Gentle detangling

I always make sure to use a wide tooth comb and gently detangle my hair. I always detangle my hair in the shower when it is wet. I also finger detangle over detangling with a comb.

These are some of my techniques and tips on how I retained length during my journey. there is no magic trick to length retention. You just have to build a regimen, stick to it, and be patient. 

Read more: The ABC’s of Detangling Knots

This article was written by Michelle Thames of HappilyEverNatural and published on CurlyNikki.

Follow Natalie (pictured above”> here:

The Tiny Closet and Instagram 

What are some of your length retention tips or methods?

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