Gretchen and Michelle of

Gretchen and Michelle

We are two regular gals, who share, in addition to friendship, curly hair. We share a history of fighting curls and kinks. We’ve longed for ponytails that swished. We tried in vain to imitate the hair fashions of the day, which were usually designed with straight hair in mind.

There was no place to turn for advice. And so, having at last accepted our curliness, we created this web site – for ourselves and for others, whose curly beauty is rarely heralded in popular culture. We asked ourselves why do women with curly hair feel they must chemically treat it, iron it, relax it, blow dry it and otherwise utterly beat the life out of their hair simply to be accepted by society? Curly hair is natural — a person should be able to embrace her curls, love them just they way they are. If she wants to straighten, that’s fine, too, but no one should feel she must change a fundamental part of her appearance simply to be accepted by society. is slowly changing the view our society has of curly hair; we’re making it more accepted. We’re teaching women to love their hair; we’re showing them how to care for it.

We get e-mails like these every day: “I just found your site, and I love it. I’m 14 and I’ve tried and tried to straighten my hair because I thought it was ugly curly. But, now, I love my hair and I wouldn’t trade it for anything! Thanks for a website like this where curly heads can come and see that they’re not the only one with curls!” “What an awesome web site. Finally someone understands and knows how to take care of curly hair.”

Women deserve to choose how they look. If they’re lucky enough to be born with curly hair, they should be able to show their ringlets to the world without losing their self-esteem, without being derided as less beautiful, less serious or less professional. We’re sharing the beauty of curls and the beauty of choice. Hair is just strands of keratin on the outside of the head. It’s what’s inside the head that matters.

Click inside to discover how to make the most of your curls. You’ll find tips and tricks from experts and reviews of hair-care products. You’ll read stories of hair distress that will seem oh-so-familiar, and you’ll be entertained by our little snippets of curlydom. And we hope you’ll share your own stories and advice. is a place to celebrate your hair – welcome.

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