What to Do if You’re Experiencing Hair Loss
Image located in the bathroom. A woman who has just had a shower is combing her hair and has stopped to look at her hands where is a comb full of hair fallen. Hair loss, shower, postpartum, brittle hair, hair breakage, stress, personal care.

Have you ever run your fingertips through the roots of your curls, only to feel a patch of soft, smooth skin on your scalp? Cold panic prickles the back of your neck and you race to the bathroom mirror to confirm your theory, and you are right: Your curls are falling out. Do not pull your hair out! Take a deep breath, instead. Millions of women, from straight to coily, experience hair loss. The loss tends to start at the crown of your curls and the top of your head. If you are among this ever growing group, do not despair. Learn what you can do about it! Factors that have an impact on hair thinning and loss include diet, hormones, medical conditions, and your environment. Although a quick-and-easy miracle cure for thinning, breaking curls does not exist, there are several options you can employ to keep your existing curls healthy, full-looking, and beautifully styled. Take a look.

1. Check your nutrition

Focus on your nutrition and potential vitamin deficiencies. Keep in mind that a quick infusion of iron and magnesium into your regular dietary practice is not going to cut it. You must consult a nutritionist and your physician to determine the lacking nourishment in your diet if any at all. This investigative approach of the behalf of trusted professionals will help you uncover any underlying health issues that are causing hair thinning and/or loss.

2. Consider HT blockers

Give your scalp the gift of DHT blockers! DHT, or Dihydrotestosterone, is produced by humans. When DHT binds to the hair follicle, the gatekeeper to hair growth, hair begins to thin and fall out. That is why your currently growing curls will benefit from DHT blocking treatments such as Groganics Hair Growth Treatment, to help to increase blood flow to your scalp, keeping your hair follicles alive and active.

3. Wear protective styles sparingly

Wear protective styles sparingly. Although some of the most captivating hairstyles are braids, weaves, and extensions, these installations may cause traction alopecia and other scalp issues when worn. Be particularly careful not to leave the styles in for too long. If you do want to wear a protective style, opt for one that’s gentle on your edges.

4. See a trichologist

Set an appointment with a trusted trichologist, like IAT Trichologist and NaturallyCurly Contributing Writer Sophia Emmanuel. Trichology is the study of hair and scalp disorders, and it is important for you to communicate your concerns with a professional who can help you understand the underlying factors that are impacting thinning hair, baldness, stunted hair growth, and scalp issues.

5. Keep the hair you have healthy!

Use scalp-healthy care and styling products that contain ingredients that stimulate hair growth such as green tea extract, Rendensyl, and tea tree oil.

6. Be gentle when styling

There are styling tricks and volumizing products than can give our curls the appearance of more volume. Volumizing products generally provide hold and coat the strands to give them the appearance of wider, fuller strands. They are also light enough that they will not weigh down the hair. Here are 10 volumizing products to check out. 

Are you experiencing curly hair loss, scalp issues, or baldness? What steps have you taken to alleviate these issues? Please share your thoughts and concerns with me in the comments so that we can continue to explore curly hair concerns and product efficiencies in upcoming CURLS 101 articles.

As ever, stay curly!

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