As I write this piece for our Self-Care Beyond Hair series, my body is weary from all the ripping and running I’ve done over the past couple of weeks. I’ve gone from one extreme to the next: songwriting, grooving in live music venues, wine touring through the Texas Hill Country, karaoke lounging, furniture shopping, and everything in between. After all of this, my body and mind have finally had enough.

For the first time, in quite a long time, I had to take a break.

If you know me, you know that the last thing on Earth I ever want to do is take a break from anything… to me, it’s the absolute worst thing. Ever.

Slowing down feels like a trap to me. I like fast-paced engagements, super-charged social events, and thought-provoking conversations. Like the fabled Maverick, I have the need for speed!

So, when I had to take a much-needed break from my professional and personal activities, I had time to reevaluate my self-care practices. From their frequency to understanding how each action fed my soul, I was able to simply sit down and hear myself think. Phew!

Being a creature of habit, my thoughts steered back to what really gets me into the spring of things: Volunteerism. One of my all-time favorite things to do is dog walk for people in need.

You may have seen the self-care video NaturallyCurly Video Editor Evelyn Ngugi filmed of me. If not, see it below! You’ll see how much I dig volunteering.

Since the filming of the dog walk video, I’ve had to reign in my schedule and cut back on time devoted to this form of volunteerism. Uggghwhy can’t there be two of me?!

Although I’ve had to ween myself off walking puppies, I do get to perform another volunteering action that soothes my soul. I hop in my car to deliver hot and cold meals to disabled and senior citizens through the Meals on Wheels of America program! It is the most rewarding gift I can give myself, and others, on a regular basis.

I know that doesn’t sound like the typical self-care scenario, but it’s through providing others with a kind word or a smile that I find the most fuel for my soul. At the end of the day, we all need one another. We can’t move through this life alone or without a helping hand. And since I am able and willing to offer my hand to those that need it, I feel rewarded simply through this simple action.

Volunteering is truly a gift that keeps on giving.

I am so very grateful that my body forced me to slow down and remember that I need to be in tip-top shape to deliver these meals to members of my community. I feel better already!

So, tell me:

How do you practice self-care?

Comment in the section below!

If you like what you’ve read here, share this article with your curlfriends and family members to spread the word about volunteering as self-care.

As ever, stay curly!

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