Over a year ago, I shared my life lessons with NaturallyCurly by giving insight on things I learned when I was a teenager/young adult. Yet, I feel that I will continue to learn lessons on career, love and self-esteem. When reaching my twenties I was very concerned about these topics since I was actively dealing with many insecurities. As I reflect back on a year ago, I have learned even more lessons for myself during 2017.

Woman in Teal Headscarf
Photo Courtesy of @WhitneyFromTheBlog

1. Do what you love.

My mother finished secondary school and decided to help my grandparents who were raising six children. Unfortunately, my family also did not have the necessary resources to support their children to follow a degree.

My mother experienced uncertainty. Hence, she devoted herself to motivating my sister and I to earn great marks and follow a degree. We were short on money, and because of this nI started thinking that money is the key to happiness. I thought that following a business major would help me earn buckets! Consequently, I tried my best to achieve high grades. Between landing a dope internship, and then a well-paid job, I was still not happy…

I was investing the majority of my time in a job that I was not truly passionate about. Also, I did not really bother to participate in social activities with my relatives. Unfortunately, the more money I received the more frugal I became. I felt bad when I saw that former classmates pursued their dreams, and there I was…with money but without a job I was passionate about. I was not happy with my behavior.

Due to company restructuring, I lost my job. Looking back to this situation, I do not mind that this has happened. It motivated me to find a job I truly love.

2. Self-love is nothing to be ashamed of.

In the past, I have been bullied often. If people were making fun of me I would change who I was. If someone would make a remark on my t-shirt I would stop wearing that piece of clothing altogether. I always tried to fit in with the ideals of others. This was one of my biggest mistakes and I should have done what I wanted, not what others wanted me to do.

One of the biggest lessons I have learned is that it is important to reflect on your insecurities. What are the cause(s”> of these insecurities? Why do I value the opinion of this person so much? What makes me happy? I have learned that people often bully others when they are having insecurities of their own.

Woman in Teal Headscarf
Photo Courtesy of @WhitneyFromTheBlog

3. Anxiety

I suffered from anxiety and I felt ashamed to discuss this with others. I was avoiding certain events or topics in order to prevent anxiety attacks from happening.

I was not able to start a romantic relationship, since I assumed that there was no guy who would accept me. I was always anxious and this was exhausting. Life is simply too pretty and short to be afraid all the time. I decided to open up and shared my fears with others. My path crossed the path of an awesome guy, who accepts me for who I am.

4. Your body is a temple.

Until my early twenties, I hated doing sports and I loved all types of junk food. At the age of 20 years old, I had a stomach ulcer. Yet, I did not follow the necessary diet to prevent this from happening again.

Two years later I was too heavy, I had many vitamin deficiencies and I was moody. To summarize, I was not taking good care of myself…not at all.

At the age of 23 years old I started to eat more healthy food and I started to work out! I am much happier now; healthy and fit.

Do you have life lessons you would like to share with us?

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