Your scalp says a lot about the overall health of your hair. While hair oils are often a great remedy for a dry scalp, if your scalp produces excess sebum, you may be hesitant to add more oil to the mix. However, there is evidence that putting oils in your hair can actually prevent the appearance of a greasy scalp. Lots of curlies ask, if I have an oily scalp should I avoid hair oils? Let’s take a closer look at this question.

woman with glowing skin

Photo Courtesy of Cecilia Gorgon’s Instagram: @ceciliagorgon

If I have an oily scalp should I avoid hair oils?

There is no rule that you have to avoid anything, oils included. In fact, there are many hair oils that will leave your scalp healthier and producing less natural sebum than before. Although, it should be noted that certain store bought hair oils might not be best for your already oily scalp. This is because many hair oils also aim to add gloss to hair and the way they achieve this is with silicones that coat the hair. These silicones can actually be worse for those with an overproduction of natural oil because it can make it harder to properly shampoo. So, make sure you check for silicones when choosing pre-made, store bought hair oils as opposed to all-natural oils. You also want to make sure you do not overdo it on oils which can lead to greasy hair and a scalp that is weighed down with excess oil production.

What else should I know about using oils?

If you already have an oily scalp, you’ll want to use pure essential oils or natural oils instead of store bought options. If you do choose a store-bought oil, make sure it isn’t too heavy because that will make it harder to rinse out of your hair completely. Often times an oily scalp is also associated with flakes and dandruff, as well as too much bacteria. This can be a result the over production of oil is a result of too much bacteria. Choose essential oils that have antibacterial properties to help balance out the scalp. You also want to choose oils that are lighter. For example, opt for coconut oil over olive oil or rosemary over coconut for an even lighter option. You can also try diluted essential oils to get a better balance. When first starting with oils, it is better to use too little and work your way up than to overload your already overloaded scalp with more oil. Try adding oils to your routine once every few weeks and if that goes well, try it every week. The key is to find the balance that works for you as an individual.

What oils are best for an oily scalp?

You’ll want antibacterial oils to help restore moisture balance, so choose options such as rosemary, lavender, and lemon oil. There are others, but these three are a good starting point since they are easy to find for most people.

When adding anything new to your routine, it is best to take it slow. Add these oils in and experiment to find the best combination for your hair!

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