It was so exciting to get a chance to unbox a gift from Eco Style because, as you know, they make some of the best gels on Earth! So, I was ready to get my hands into a vat of a curly hair gel that I hadn’t used before, but what I got was something entirely different.

Surprise! Surprise!

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What I didn’t expect was to unbox a brand new product from them: Eco Style Black Castor & Flaxseed Oil Moisture Rich Leave-In Conditioner.

What a pleasant surprise! Since going natural, I have trusted my super dense, coily hair with Ecoco. Of course, I was excited about trying their brand new leave-in. And, without a doubt, it did not disappoint!

What I like the most about this leave-in is how soft it makes every one of my curls! Since this leave-in is water based, I was confident that my hair would get the proper moisture content it requires. In addition to that, I was ready to feed my curls a leave-in containing black castor and flaxseed oils. I’ve never tried them together so I was curious about what would happen.

I was not at all disappointed!


In addition to super softness, there are several other benefits that my hair has experienced after using the Eco Style Black Castor & Flaxseed Oil Moisture Rich Leave-In Conditioner. What’s even better is that all of us curlies, from wavy to kinky, can reap these benefits. Listed below are the benefits I reaped; you can, too!

5 Key Benefits of Leave-In Conditioner for All Hair Types

  1. Leave-in conditioners are gentler on hair strands than traditional, ‘rinse out’ conditioners. They condition all hair types all day long without generating filmy residue and build up on your scalp. ‘Rinse out’ conditioners will only weigh down the hair if left in longer than recommended.
  2. Leave-ins are known to contain emollients that promote healthy scalps and hair growth. In the case of my favorite new leave-in, my roots will be forever nourished with flaxseed, black castor, mongongo, argan, and olive oils – all of which are great for growing strong, long hair strands!
  3. Leave-ins are secret sealants! If you are hesitant to add oils to fine hair strands or low density curls, leave-ins are perfect options. When possible, opt for a leave-in with a spray nozzle so that you can evenly distribute the product onto your scalp and the ends of your curls.
  4. All curlies want defined curls. Well, the little-known secret to defined curls, especially for Type 3c through 4c, is to use a leave-in conditioner that works for your porosity level. As fortune would have it, the featured leave-in is good for all hair porosity types but will work wonders on medium-to-low porosity curls.
  5. Leave-in conditioners don’t leave flakey, white residue on your curls! This simple benefit is what every curly wants in her life, and that’s precisely what leave-ins like the Black Castor & Flaxseed Oil Moisture Rich Leave-in is formulated to do: deeply nourish the hair, not leave flakes and residue on your shoulders and curls.

ECO Style

Are you still curious about leave-in conditioner for curly hair?

Don’t fret! Learn more about Eco Style’s Black Castor & Flaxseed Oil via Eco Style today!

As ever, stay curly!

This post is sponsored by Eco Style.

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