suzanne with curly hair smili

Suzanne Schroeder: 3A

NaturallyCurly: Do you straighten or have you straightened in the past? How do or did you do it (professionally, yourself, keratin treatments, blow outs”>?

Suzanne Schroeder:  I have not straightened my hair since the 90s. I would do it myself with a brush and blow dryer.

NC: Why did you straighten?

SS: I straightened because I had no idea how to manage my curls and I thought it was easier.

NC: Why did you stop?

SS: I stopped straightening because I didn’t want to spend so much time on my hair. I let some of the wave come out, but I was still brushing my hair and not very product savvy. Now I never straighten my hair.

NC: What is the best way to protect curls from damage when straightening?

SS:  I think good heat protectant products are the way to go.

NC: What straightening methods have you heard about or tried, and what do you think about them?

SS: All the new smoothing or formaldehyde free keratin treatments look interesting. Also the Blow Out Bars look promising.

NC: What do you think is the best, least damaging and “curl-offensive” way to straighten?

SS: Choosing straightening options that have the least offensive ingredients would be the best option. Be a pro-active ingredient label reader.

NC: Have you ever heard of or experienced your curls not coming back?

SS: I think curls are never happy when they are severely damaged by chemical processes or subjected to heat daily. Unhappy curls don’t curl well. Curls are at their best when they are healthy and moisturized.

NC: What do you think about curlies or naturals who straighten most of the time?

SS: It’s a personal choice. Of course I worry about the health risks if chemical treatments are involved.

NC: What do think of some of them calling themselves “natural?”

SS: Natural is such a big word and it can be used in so many ways. Tricky, and again, very personal.

NC: If you were talking to a new curly, would you discourage straightening or instruct and encourage her about healthy straightening habits?

SS: I think looking in the mirror everyday at the same hair styling choice can be a rocky road. Straight hair is very predictable, and some people like that. Curly hair is just the opposite. It’s a new day everyday, even when you’re an experienced curly. The challenge is what do you want to see in the mirror? Going back and forth between wearing hair straight and curly can be fun for some and frustrating for others. Healthy hair habits would be my message when choosing to wear your hair curly or straight.

Read More: Blow Bar Trend Creates Styles That Last

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