Texture Tales Daye on Encouraging Curl Diversity Through Rocking Her Natural Hair

Image @DayeLaSoul


How would you best describe your hair in 3 words?

Vibrant, Versatile, and Mine!


What was it like for you growing up with natural hair?

I was born in 90s where relaxers, straight styles, and braids were popular. It wasn’t until I went to college when I discovered the quote-unquote “Natural Hair Community” on social media. At that time, the faces of the natural hair community and brands were still lacking diversity, loose textures and long curls were in. There was a lot of miseducation and misleading information out there. When I started transitioning to natural, it was a struggle at first, I got a lot of discouragement from mostly black women and I was buying into the dream that if I use these products I’ll get her curls. Fortunately, I quickly got help from a stylist who was knowledgeable in natural hair. Having a professional to go to for encouragement, information, and hands on help made a huge difference for me! Even though my hair was still transitioning, I was able to achieve great styles, learn realistic expectations, and develop a routine tailored for my hair.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

I wish I had some profound moment that started off my naturally curly hair journey but I don’t! The decision to embrace, well ‘discover’ my curls rather, was as a result of a head injury. While my wound was healing, I could not safely get a relaxer and I was already about 6 months from my last relaxer and I was still achieving my straight hair styles so by the time my injury healed, I decided I did not need a relaxer to get straight hair. Also during that time, I noticed how much thicker my hair appeared at the roots and the curls starting to bud in and wanted to see that full look from root to ends!

Texture Tales Daye on Encouraging Curl Diversity Through Rocking Her Natural Hair

Image @DayeLaSoul


What has been the most challenging moment of your hair journey so far?

The most challenging moment in my journey was getting to the point of that mental breakthrough where I realized I had to stop comparing my hair to others and that there is no product nor routine that will turn my texture into someone else’s. I’d say the time before that breakthrough is the most challenging because there is a lot of disappointments and setbacks in trying to force your hair to look a specific way rather than simply embracing what I have, learning how to care for it, and becoming my own hair goals.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The year I became an Influencer! Being able to educate and inspire other women who are going through the same journey is so empowering! Especially being able to give them the advice I wish I had when I was struggling with my hair. So far in my natural hair journey, there hasn’t been anything more empowering than  getting the comments and messages of people’s “Ah ha!” moments where something I said or did just clicked for them and made their journey easier.

How do you protect your curls at night?

I have several routines. Mini-pineapples or a scarf around my edges and a satin pillow are my go-tos. They are low maintenance, quick and effective.

What are your top tips for definition?

First and foremost, MOISTURIZE! Dried out hair is going to create frizz every time, no matter how perfect those twist and sets look. My second tip is to learn your texture! It’s important to know and have realistic expectations about your texture and density as well as to choose the right stylers. From my experience, often times people struggle with accepting their curl pattern and density when their definition is actually fine, they just wanted a looser or sleeker look.

Who is your curl crush?

Outside of myself when I had blue hair? @CelestialCurlss! She’s on YouTube and Instagram. She is one of my best friends! Her and my natural hair stylist are probably the only people who give me slight hair envy! I love both of their fullness! They keep me motivated and on track with my hair goals for bigger, healthy hair. 

Texture Tales Daye on Encouraging Curl Diversity Through Rocking Her Natural Hair

Image @DayeLaSoul


What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

My routine is based off how my hair is feeling. I’m not one of those naturals that can have a set thing to do each week because my hair need’s change from time to time.  The main things for me is to keep my hair moisturized and strengthened because it is colored which means it’s prone to dryness and breakage.  Below are two of my favorite routines:


Restore Moisture to Dried Out Hair:

Clarify (with a cleansing clay mask or clarifying shampoo”>

Deep Condition

Scalp Treatment

Leave-In Conditioner


Lightweight Moisturizing Oil


Strengthen Limp Curls:

Moisturizing Shampoo

Protein Treatment (Aphogee Two Minute Re-constructor“>

Leave-in Conditioner (a heavy one”>




Any key techniques or methods that made an impact on your hair health?

Finger detangling before using a brush or comb, and reducing the amount of washing/styling manipulation down to once a week but not going more than two weeks between washing has definitely made a difference in retaining length for me! Also re-incorporating shampoos back into my routine has helped a lot with moisture retention and itchy scalp. I was a big advocate for cowashing, however over time I noticed I was getting a lot of build up, which was causing my hair to flake, look dull and stiff. On top of that, build up blocks out moisture because the products are not able to penetrate the hair. Finding moisturizing shampoos, that leave my hair feeling soft and refreshed was a game changer!

What’s your hair story? Share your journey with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

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