Texture Tales Jaz Shares How She Styles Her Curls For Maximum Definition

Image: @sojazzaye

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Growing up was hard since I was the only one in my household that had curly hair. My mom nicknamed me Medusa with my wild hair when she would comb it out, she struggled to maintain my hair and would just put it up in a ponytail most of my childhood. When I started doing my own hair I would normally try different styles I would see in magazines and on television by using what we had back in the days with gel, mousse, and hairspray. These products would leave my curls crunchy and hard, but hey they did have shine and hold. The easiest style for me growing up was parting my hair and slicking it back.  When I would get haircuts they were the worst because they would cut my hair cut while it was wet and would add layers, then they would straighten my hair, and my curls would always be uneven.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

My journey started with being inspired by one of the darkest times in my life. During that time I had a lot of emotional pain and also many transitions going on at the same time and by watching other girls on Instagram with their curly hair, it inspired me and had also helped me to love myself in embracing my unique natural hair. After I started my journey posting my results, I realized how much I am also helping a lot of other girls which has kept me driven to keep going. I became more confident in myself and was happy to inspire many other women.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far? 

The most empowering moment was when I realized how much my journey has inspired others and how I became “hair goals”. I like to reflect on pics from the past to see how much I have grown not just with my curly hair but also within myself. The only time I like to compare myself is with the me from the past.

How do you protect your curls at night?

PINEAPPLES!! At night I sleep with a satin pillowcase (@osocurly“> as it helps with preserving my curls for day 2-3-4 curls. I would also use a bonnet and satin scarf when needed.

Who is your curl crush?

My curl crushes are @Hif3licia, @Mismmo, and @chelliscurls these girls have truly inspired me on my curly hair journey!

Texture Tales Jaz Shares How She Styles Her Curls For Maximum Definition

Image: @sojazzaye

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

Coiling scrunchie to wear my pineapples, @BounceCurl gel to refresh, and my hair pick by @Shaiamiel the Curl Doctor.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

My curly hair regimen is normally washing once a week. I would use Bounce Curl Clarifying Shampoo with their Cream Conditioner, and every other week I would do a deep condition but also use alternative hair mask treatments. My favorite products are DevaCurl Super Cream and BounceCurl Gel is my holy grail, the DevaCurl Set it Free spray is a favorite to refresh and lockdown on my frizz as well.

Texture Tales Jaz Shares How She Styles Her Curls For Maximum Definition

Image: @sojazzaye

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most challenging part of my journey was the transitioning stage before my big chop. I wanted to keep my hair long but I wasn’t able to get the best results as I had a lot of dead ends from straightening and bleaching it. After I went to see the Curl Doctor, @Shaiamiel and got the “Big Chop” is when I started to see my curls come to life before my eyes like never before, after that it got way easier.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Finger coiling has helped train my curls to give me more ringlets, it is to the point I do not even have to do it anymore as they just curl up now naturally. I do a lot of deep conditioning and scalp massages using oils to keep your hair growing healthy.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

Your hair is your best accessory and it also is apart of your identity. Loving your curls is loving yourself. Discover yourself and show off your natural beauty to this world. You will always inspire others by being your authentic self, and that can start with your hair.  The thing I love about curly hair is that every curl is different and that’s what makes us unique.

What’s your hair story? Share your journey with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

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