Texture Tales Samantha Shares Her Secrets for Healthy Long Curly Hair

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

It was hard. My mom didn’t really know how to style my curly hair when I was a child so it was extremely frizzy and extra dry, I wasn’t aware of how my hair should be styled so I just let it be. It started to get hard for me though when I was in middle school. I was bullied for having long hair. I remember a girl called me a witch because I decided to wear my hair down one day and after that, I just started tying my hair up.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly/coily/wavy hair?

What made me decide to embrace my curly hair was when I was a junior in high school I remember seeing a girl wearing her hair in curls and it looked so pretty. So I decided, you know what I’m going to buy some gel from the store and wear my hair out.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far? 

Texture Tales Samantha Shares Her Secrets for Healthy Long Curly Hair

The most empowering moment for me on my natural hair journey was following the CG Method. Prior to purchasing The Curly Hair Handbook, I seriously had no idea how to care for my curly hair. I applied products that were harmful to my curls, brushed my hair any kind of way, straightened my hair a lot, colored my hair frequently, and didn’t care about the damage I was doing. However, after reading The Curly Girl Handbook it helped me build a foundation on how to take care of my hair the right way.

How do you protect your curls at night?

The way I protect my curls putting at night is by putting my hair up in a deluxe pineapple and using my Satin pillowcase.

Who is your curl crush?

I don’t really have a specific curl crush, but there are a few people that I love to follow and learn new information when it comes to caring for my curly hair; such as Hif3licia, Alba Ramos (SunKissAlba“>, Peniel Tovar(Curly Penny“>, and Manes By Mell.

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

My favorite curly girl essential I can’t live without are my Tangle Teezer brush and my Micro-Fiber Towel!

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

My current hair regimen at the moment is I wash my hair 2-3 times a week, but I always shampoo once and co-wash the rest of the days. Conditioning is my best friend! I love conditioning my hair. I detangle and section my hair in the shower because it’s easier for me. I also love to deep condition and apply a mask to my hair I tend to deep condition 2-3 times a month, and apply a mask once a week. Of course, depending on often my hair needs it. I also love hair plopping with my micro-fiber towel. As well as, applying hair oils to my hair. The products that are my favorite at the moment is Not Your Mother’s Naturals Shampoo and conditioner. I highly recommend. Also, Taliah Waajid, Green Apple and Aloe Hold me Down Gelle!

Texture Tales Samantha Shares Her Secrets for Healthy Long Curly Hair

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far? 

The most challenging moment of my natural hair journey was understanding my hair and what it needed. It’s hard at first when you want to make that change and start transitioning your hair and get your curls back strong and healthy. So researching, reading, and learning about my hair was the hardest part. Especially the process of it all and having the patience to getting to your end result you want.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Yes! Taking care of myself from the inside out. Eating the right foods and taking vitamins is so important for our hair health. Using products that are for curly hair and don’t contain harsh chemicals such as sulfates, parabens, alcohols, silicones, TEA, etc. As well as incorporating Pre-poos and conditioning your hair.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

My biggest advice is to not expect your hair to look like your favorite influencer or someone you look up we all have different textures. We need to learn to embrace it and love ourselves because we are all unique. Mort importantly to surround yourself with people who are apart of the curly hair community and understand the process of having natural hair and going through the journey of it all. It helps a lot to be able to relate to one another because it uplifts is and we start accepting who we are as individuals.  

What’s your hair story? Share your journey with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

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