Texture Tales Sully on the Power of Versatility and Rocking Her Curls with Confidence

Image: @sullyg_

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Growing up with curly hair, a lot of my “getting ready” time was spent on my hair. I spent hours in the shower and in front of the mirror, trying to figure out how to control this mane for school! I grew to appreciate the versatility of my hair; from when it was long and straight to short and curly. I often received compliments about my hair and it became a staple to my identity.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

Unlike many other curly hair journeys, I’ve always wore my hair curly. I never had a perm or a chemical relaxer. In college, I attempted to dye my hair a copper red with a box dye (never do this, please!”> and I damaged my hair. I began straightening my hair more often because I wasn’t proud of how my curls dropped. After about two years of consistently straightening my hair, I decided to cut my hair and begin my curly hair journey!

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far? 

The most empowering moment of my natural hair journey has been going red. I never thought having colored curls was possible without compromising my curl health. I’ve learned that my curls are so much more versatile than I knew and I love it! Like my personality, my curls have many different expressions, and I enjoy wearing ALL of them!

How do you protect your curls at night?

At night I typically put my hair in a pineapple to preserve the style. Because of my busy schedule, I’m pretty low maintenance with my protective styles. I allow myself to be flexible with my hair care regimen, which is what empowers and encourages me to continue caring for my curls.

Texture Tales Sully on the Power of Versatility and Rocking Her Curls with Confidence

Image: @sullyg_

Who is your curl crush?

Jade Kendle (aka @Lipstickncurls“>,hands down, has ALWAYS been my curl crush. When I first started my journey, she was the only videos I would watch on YouTube for about two years straight. Eventually, I opened up to new people lol. I also love Kayla Madonna’s curls.

What are your top tips for caring for color treated curls?

Deep condition and treat your hair with protein often! Deep condition weekly (at least”> and do protein treatments every 4-6 weeks depending on how your hair responds to protein. When done professionally, color looks beautiful on curls! However, it can be very dehydrating. You want to make sure your hair looks and feels healthy!

Any products or techniques that are gamechanging for your routine when preserving the color?

Rinsing in cold water and shampooing less frequently. Cold water closes the hair cuticle, which prevents the color from bleeding out as easily. When I wash my hair I try to always use cold water and shampoos that don’t have harsh chemicals. Also, purchasing a deep conditioner with color deposit is super helpful. Check out brands like overtone for more info on that!

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

Wow, tough question. Right now it would have to be my curl diffuser. Ever since I began using it to style my hair it has changed the game for my wash n go’s!

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

I know people must be tired of me mentioning the same products for my curly hair regimen, but I can’t help it! I LOVE Ouidad’s whipped curls conditioner and their Advanced Climate Control Gel for my wash and go’s. I use the raking method to apply each product and use a curl diffuser to set the style.

Texture Tales Sully on the Power of Versatility and Rocking Her Curls with Confidence

Image: @sullyg_

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far? 

The most challenging moment would have to be trying new products. As I continue to create hair content, I struggle with trying new products because I know my favorite products will give great results. When products don’t work for my hair, seeing the outcome can be frustrating. However, I’ve learned to look at it as an opportunity to share with others what ingredients and products are not compatible with my hair type.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

The raking method and using a curl diffuser take my wash n go’s to new levels. If you aren’t diffusing or raking I would DEFINITELY try it out to for a new, defined look!

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

Like loving a person, place, or experience, loving your hair is a process. It does not happen overnight. However, when you put time and effort into anything, you will naturally grow to appreciate it. Take time to learn your hair, the styles you enjoy, and routines that work for you. As soon as you can embrace that loving your hair is a process, you will grow more open to your natural hair. Plus, your hair is the crown God gifted you with!

What’s your hair story? Share your journey with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

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