A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.

Coco Chanel
photo – Rashad White

Coco Chanel famously said, “A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.” How right she was.

A hair cut is really a powerful tool for transformation because it can:

  • immediately affect how you see yourself and your place in the world

  • make you feel bolder and more confident

  • affect how others perceive you

  • help you look younger and more youthful

Are you fond of changing your hair color or playing with makeup as a form of self expression or experimentation?

A second big chop may be what your hair needs instead of another hair color change. You won’t even necessarily need to go back to the TWA stage or give yourself a pixie cut. Any significant reduction in your hair’s length may be called a big chop for all intents and purposes and a change of season is the perfect time to at least consider it.

Summer is definitely the right time to not only consider, but to actually get a big chop. For one thing, it will help alleviate the extreme heat. But if that’s not a compelling enough reason to do a big chop, here are a few other reasons that may help you to decide.

Unfortunately, we’ve been taught to prioritize length over health.

7 Reasons to big chop

1. Healthier hair

A big chop will remove the oldest parts of your hair. It leaves you with healthier hair that’s full of bounce, movement and volume.

2. Less maintenance

You will spend less time on maintenance and have more time to spend with friends and family or more time to spend on a new interest or hobby.

3. Lift the mask

Without all the hair, you get to see true self. Hair can become a mask that we hide behind. You’ll get to actually see yourself and your gorgeous bone structure and facial features.

4. Shorter wash days

Shorter hair typically means shorter wash days and quicker detangling sessions.

5. Save money

Your hair products will last longer which means more money in your bank account.

6. Less drying time

Your hair will air dry much more quickly. This means less need for a diffuser and or less time sitting under a hooded dryer. Let’s face it–no one enjoys sitting under a hooded dryer.

7. Enjoy your hair

Unfortunately, we’ve been taught to prioritize length over health. Have fun with your hair, play around with it more. A big chop is such a great way to change it up, especially because the potential risk of damage which is associated with coloring your hair is absent when you big chop. During the summer, a change of shape and style is just what the doctor ordered. While it’s a possibility that you may regret it, your hair will grow back better than ever. Furthermore, as your hair grows back, it will be like having a new style every few months. A big chop is a great opportunity for a do-over, a great way to reinvent your look and a great way to get hair healthy and keep it that way. Go ahead. Big chop today.

Are you considering getting a big chop?

“A breakup or other traumatic experience are common times for us women to cut their hair as we see it is the one thing we can take immediate control of; we all know it is often a struggle to adjust our feelings and move on right away.” Read more about the Psychology Behind a Woman Chopping Her Hair Off

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