NaturallyCurly’s “About Us” page was named one of 2007’s best marketing to women efforts by Future Now, a New York-based online consulting firm.

“My specialty is marketing to women online, and I am usually busy writing critiques of campaigns that miss the mark, so it’s always heartening to acknowledge those that do a great job,” says Future Now’s Holly Buchanan, who started the awards this year.

NaturallyCurly received the award for its “About Us” page. The copy describes the trials, tribulations and triumphs of founders Gretchen Heber and Michelle Breyer, two regular gals who created the site for people like them.

“If you’re marketing to women and you want them to relate to your brand, your company, and its vision, you should consider putting a video on your ‘About Us’ page,” says Buchanan, author of “The Soccer Mom Myth: Today’s Female Customer— Who She Really Is, Why She Really Buys.”

“It’s the next best thing to meeting you in person and sharing a cup of coffee. (Well done, gals!”>”

Among the Future Now’s other awards were “Best Reason to Start a Web Site,” which went to AllMomsGoToHeaven—a site that recognizes and shows appreciation for moms; “Best Homepage” to Google for its uncluttered design, easy navigation and clear calls to action; and “Best TV Commercial,” which went to retailer TJ Maxx for its “Maxx Moments” ads.

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