natural hair

For the NaturallyCurly bunch, going natural is something many have worked for and many have achieved. For the rest of the population, it’s an up and coming trend to look for. Numerous studies have shown that 65% of the world is naturally curly, but should embracing that texture really be something that we consider a trend?

Going natural can be a long process that takes many months to get adjusted to. It’s a big decision for many people, especially for the women who are worried about what the men in their life will think of their new ‘do.

So what’s the rave about going natural? “Glamour” magazine did a recent article about the benefits of going natural and it has generated a lot of natural buzz.

You’ll Cut Back on Trips to the Salon

The less heat you are applying to your hair, the less you need to go to the salon to get your ends trimmed. If you are a curly who goes for a routine color, you can also cut back on how many times you go in for a touch up. Keeping your hair curly helps to hide roots that are peeking through because of the lift you have throughout your hair. What’s the newest way to save money dedicated to salon trips? Go natural!

Styling is Fast

Curlies are often told that they have it easy because being natural doesn’t require much work. While we all know that isn’t true, for myself, styling is much quicker. I don’t depend on a hair dryer or straightener any longer. All I really need are my fingers for scrunching and a microfiber towel. My two styling tools are extremely simple and especially cheap. Going natural means you can take all of those styling tools out of the bathroom to make room for your new product!

Going Natural is Better for the Environment

No, really! I knew being natural was much better for my hair, but who knew that it actually improves the environment? If you pass on the blow dryer every day for two years, you have basically planted a tree! Two years might seem like a long time, but if you typically blow-dry for 30 minutes consider it only taking one year.

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