Woman with Strawllers in hair

Regardless of your ethnicity, texture, curl pattern or length, Strawllers long, simple-to-use hair rollers can help you create defined, elegant looking curls. This is a fun way to mix up your curl pattern for a special occasion, or just when you feel like a change!

  1. Start with clean hair. 
  2. Separate hair into 1/4″ to 1″ sections. The curl will be tighter if the section is smaller.
  3. Prepare hair for the Strawllers by folding the ends with the end of paper. Depending on your hair texture, use gel to ensure best results and longer-lasting curls.
  4. Starting at the bottom and rolling upward towards the scalp, wrap sections lengthwise around the roller to form natural spirals.
  5. Secure by pinning the inside of the curl lengthwise against the scalp and dry hair completely under a hooded dryer.
  6. Gently unwind each roller. Apply Strawllers finishing shine and use fingers to gently separate and arrange curls.

Looking for MORE ways to change your curl pattern? Read the digital version of Texture!

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