Gentle Lather Shampoo

Jessicurl says:

Gentle Lather Shampoo creates a creamy, luxurious lather without leaving your hair dry after use. It’s not as moisturizing as our Hair Cleansing Cream and won’t weigh down finer hair. If you’ve found that Hair Cleansing Cream is too much moisture for you, then you’ll really like Gentle Lather Shampoo. Those of you who love Hair Cleansing Cream for regular use will appreciate GLS as an alternative to harsher clarifying shampoos. It also makes a great face and body wash!

I say:

This is a nice sulfate free shampoo. It had low lather and left my hair feeling really clean! My hair still had that “I need conditioner” feel after it, but it did not feel stripped. I tried it as a body wash too and as a body wash it left my skin feeling incredibly soft. I think I actually like it even better as a body wash than a shampoo!

A note about the Jessicurl Conditioners:

I was comparing the Aloeba and Too Shea! conditioner and they both have the extact same excellent herbs and extracts for hair health. The Aloeba has coconut oil and no shea butter where the Too Shea! has added shea butter in it.


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