She made our hearts flutter and our eyes cry with joy when she made her debut on the silver screen as beloved pop singer Selena.

Now 17 years later, we’ve watched the megastar form into a supernova in her own right. And as if we couldn’t fall in love with Jenny From the Block even more, yesterday she posted a selfie on her Instagram just days after her 45th birthday. It’s no surprise that the Latina mami still has it going on.

As expected, an outpour of positive feedback regarding the singer’s new curly debut spilled onto her social media page, encouraging her to keep the natural look and cut.

What gets us even more excited is the fact that the star uses the hashtag #curlyhairdontcare. Oh, is that right JLo? Proof that even stars are embracing their hair’s texture in its natural state and flaunting their curls with confidence from the online curly community. Well go on with your bad self, then!

Weigh in with your thoughts, NaturallyCurly community! Do we love JLo’s short, wavy-curly hair? Let us know your thoughts.

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