Dear Ouidad: I’ve been shampoo free for more than a year now, but I’m still struggling. My biggest problem is that (I think”> I have two textures on my head! The top of my head has straight, sort of wavy hair that simply will not curl no matter how much conditioner, plopping, or diffusing I give it. In fact, it just looks greasy and stringy, like if it were curly, it would be clumping, but since it’s straight, it just looks like I never wash my hair. What I want to know is how I should be washing my hair; should I treat the greasy straight top as regular straight hair, and shampoo the whole shaft? I’m really, truly, completely at a loss for what to do with my yicky hair.

A: Shampooing and conditioning with volumizing products will help increase wave and give the hair near the top of your head more of a chance to curl. You should shampoo only about 2x a week near the scalp and don’t bunch your hair up or rub your strands together to cleanse. You can refer to our video below on how to gently shampoo your curls.

To get the top of your hair to curl more, use a mousse like PlayCurl Volumizing Foam and duckbill clips with a diffuser to style. Check out the video below on how to add volume using duckbill clips.

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