1200 Ala Moana Blvd.
Honolulu, HI 96814, United States

Stylist: Genny

Genny does a great job with my hair. She has a really great understanding of how to cut it, and always seems to revive my hair and put bounce back in it. She also does an awesome job blowing it dry straight, with a round brush, giving it a soft, glam look. The one caveat is this: I have a combination 3A/3B curly hair, which she insists on referring to as "wavy"! I know it's just a personal pet peeve (I've dealt with years of frizzy hair and curly "issues"), so I don't let that keep me from a great haircut. Go see Genny. She really does an amazing job.

Reviewed on: 03.10.09