9514 100th Street
Morinville, AB T8N 1P7, Canada

Stylist: Samantha Perlinski

I wasn't sure what to pick for categories. All I can tell you is that 'Sam' is a real fantastic person for cutting curly hair. I'm not sure if that can be said for all the stylists where she works because it is a unique skill that requires the sort of intuitiveness that not every hairdresser has. Besides having that intuitiveness and skill, Sam is also innovative, and can create imaginative styles. I went in wanting something different, and she delivered! PS: I put her info on the FB page when this feature was being discussed, but it doesn't appear to have been acted upon. To add to the challenge I presented to Sam, I have a combination of different types of curls from loose to small corkscrew. My hair is also fine (thin hair shaft), and thick (lots of it). From talking to her, I found out that she also cuts children's hair.

Reviewed on: 11.10.10