301 4th Ave. NEnB
Austin, MN 55912, United States

Stylist: DiAnne Guyette

With all her talk about what an expert she was with curly hair, I knew, she knew nothing when she picked up the thinning shears. Even beauty school drop outs know you don't use thinning shears on curly hair. She then basically cut all my curls off. And tried to talk me into having a straightener put in my hair. Presumably to cover up the poor job she did cutting it. She also spent most of her time staring at herself in the mirror and fusing with her own hair. My advice, if you want to look 10 years older than you do now Progressive Hair is the place to go. If not go to your local Cost Cutters, at least they try to give you a good cut.

Reviewed on: 11.05.13

Stylist: DiAnne Guyette

I've been to all kinds of hairstylist, and no one can bet DiAnn. She's amazing. Every time I go she does better and better. She's unbealivable with curly hair. She's the first person to really listen to what I want, and does it exactly. Now, I don't even have to tell her, she just knows what to do, and I completely trust her. If I ever have to move out of the area, I would travel just to have her cut my hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have nothing but amazing things to say about her.

Reviewed on: 06.01.11