392 Rustic Place
Eugene, OR 97401, United States

Stylist: Liz Lemmon

Liz Lemmon came highly recommended to me from a friend at my co-op and she did not disappoint. She is patient, gentle, kind and extremely knowledgeable. I wanted a big chop because I haven't been able to deal with my hair lately. She gave me a more moderate cut that is very versatile and it can still be put up if that's what I'm in the mood to do. She cut it curly girl dry and is Deva trained. She cut it slowly, taking length off and looking to see when I started to like it. It's cute and sassy but can also be business professional too. She offered to do the big chop if for some reason I still decided to go that way in a couple of days.

Reviewed on: 13.06.14