642 S. Whitney Way
Madison, WI 53711, United States

Stylist: Sarah Zell Sutter

I found this salon on this website when I moved to the area. Sarah was listed at another salon in the area, but had recently opened her own salon. She is AMAZING! As a curly girl herself, she understands the troubles we often face when it comes to getting our hair cut and styled. I haven't had a bad cut yet! And she listens and accommodates so well - I trust her opinion and thoughts on what I want to have done. Additionally, she teaches, and so I've gotten to be an example for students or new stylists, which is not only great for them, but it's fun to learn more about curly hair and how to cut it and such! I'm so grateful to have found this salon and even though I live quite a ways away, I'd gladly take a long drive over a crummy cut. I highly recommend Sarah and her salon!

Reviewed on: 16.08.14

Stylist: Sarah Zell Sutter

I found this salon on this website when I moved to the area. Sarah was listed at another salon in the area, but had recently opened her own salon. She is AMAZING! As a curly girl herself, she understands the troubles we often face when it comes to getting our hair cut and styled. I haven't had a bad cut yet! And she listens and accommodates so well - I trust her opinion and thoughts on what I want to have done. Additionally, she teaches, and so I've gotten to be an example for students or new stylists, which is not only great for them, but it's fun to learn more about curly hair and how to cut it and such!  I'm so grateful to have found this salon and even though I live quite a ways away, I'd gladly take a long drive over a crummy cut. I highly recommend Sarah and her salon!

Reviewed on: 16.08.14


Sara Zell moved from Anaala Salon to her own salon and I first had a consult then a cut. The consult was very informative; I liked that she had no problems with my bringing my products, and respected my understanding of my curls. I later went for a cut, and she gave me several useful styling tips, and also gave me a great cut. I also liked the fact that she is very supportive of my transitioning to silver! Am very happy with my cut and booked another appt.

Reviewed on: 10.07.14