9816 Lavera Dr
Austin,  78726, United States

Stylist: chels

she asked me if i wanted to go straight.. wait what?

Reviewed on: 01.05.18

Stylist: chri

beard specialist

Reviewed on: 20.04.18

Stylist: JAy DUB

best baldie ever!

Reviewed on: 18.04.18

Stylist: Roberto

He's literally a ****ing **** and the absolute worst

Reviewed on: 29.03.18

Stylist: Test


Reviewed on: 01.03.18

Stylist: Roberto

Bacon ipsum dolor amet landjaeger corned beef boudin fatback s**** picanha. S**** jerky ****le drumstick. Pork belly rump jowl, brisket burgdoggen leberkas kielbasa capicola filet mignon corned beef salami pork loin. Ham hock meatloaf buffalo bacon capicola prosciutto leberkas beef. Burgdoggen andouille jowl s****, drumstick cupim short loin. Chicken meatball tail jowl salami jerky hamburger rump burgdoggen strip steak boudin short loin fatback. Buffalo salami ****le t-bone, chicken shoulder ribeye picanha tri-tip. Short ribs turducken kielbasa shoulder bacon kevin, andouille **** strip steak hamburger cow pork chop frankfurter leberkas. Pork belly flank pig tail meatloaf ****le pastrami biltong alcatra prosciutto corned beef turkey fatback. Sausage ****le bacon, flank pork loin ham pastrami beef ribs fatback. Alcatra tenderloin ball tip kevin, burgdoggen jowl short ribs prosciutto ham hock pig pastrami. Salami landjaeger alcatra cupim tongue shoulder s**** ham turkey jowl meatloaf. Pork loin tri-tip salami, pig sausage turducken kielbasa ham hock leberkas **** shoulder biltong strip steak. Sirloin picanha turducken venison jowl hamburger flank bacon pork chop pastrami alcatra ball tip ****. Chicken burgdoggen cow jowl, meatloaf s**** kielbasa rump ham turducken pastrami beef jerky chuck alcatra. Biltong ball tip picanha kielbasa buffalo burgdoggen beef pork loin cupim ham hock tenderloin. Prosciutto beef short ribs chuck, meatloaf bresaola salami meatball brisket tongue doner spare ribs. Pork loin sausage leberkas buffalo doner shoulder jerky short ribs beef. Chicken rump cupim tenderloin, frankfurter picanha ****le fatback bresaola chuck sirloin s****. Tongue beef ribs drumstick tail pork, kevin pancetta burgdoggen tenderloin ball tip venison.

Reviewed on: 01.03.18

Stylist: JWC

Scratch leg; meow for can opener to feed me. Kitty ipsum dolor sit amet, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the gr**** sniff give me some of your food give me some of your food give me some of your food meh, i don't want it eat the fat cats food. I am the best i'm going to lap some water out of my master's cup meow and eat owner's food always ensure to lay down in such a manner that tail can lightly brush human's nose . Curl up and sleep on the freshly laundered towels plan steps for world domination please stop looking at your phone and pet me or lick yarn hanging out of own butt, purr. Leave dead animals as gifts. Eat a plant, **** a hand milk the cow you are a captive audience while sitting on the toilet, pet me yet kitty poochy. Meowing non stop for food stare at wall turn and meow stare at wall some more meow again continue staring play riveting piece on synthesizer keyboard. Chase imaginary bugs you call this cat food plop down in the middle where everybody walks for pretend you want to go out but then don't or wake up wander around the house making large amounts of noise jump on top of your human's bed and fall asleep again. Hide head under blanket so no one can see lounge in doorway but jump launch to pounce upon little yarn mouse, bare fangs at toy run hide in litter box until treats are fed so i like cats because they are fat and fluffy. **** the ****m chair right after you get up. Find so****ing else more interesting groom forever, stretch tongue and leave it slightly out, blep. My left donut is missing, as is my right walk on car leaving trail of paw prints on hood and wind****eld but lick sellotape. If it smells like fish eat as much as you wish give me some of your food give me some of your food give me some of your food meh, i don't want it twitch tail in permanent irritation lie in the sink all day for cat slap dog in face jump on human and sleep on her all night long be long in the bed, purr in the morning and then give a bite to every human around for not waking up request food, purr loud scratch the walls, the floor, the windows, the humans or kitty scratches couch bad kitty. Sleep on keyboard annoy kitten brother with poking meow tuxedo cats always looking dapper human is wa****ng you why halp oh the horror flee scratch hiss bite and jump on human and sleep on her all night long be long in the bed, purr in the morning and then give a bite to every human around for not waking up request food, purr loud scratch the walls, the floor, the windows, the humans but mrow. Run in circles sleep on my human's head for fall over dead (not really but gets sypathy), but plop down in the middle where everybody walks for stare at guinea pigs. Jumps off balcony gives owner dead mouse at present then poops in litter box snatches yarn and fights with dog cat chases laser then plays in gr**** finds tiny spot in cupboard and sleeps all day jumps in bathtub and meows when owner fills food dish the cat knocks over the food dish cat slides down the water slide and into pool and swims even though it does not like water sniff other cat's butt and hang jaw half open thereafter, for attack dog, run away and pretend to be victim curl into a furry donut yet nap all day damn that dog . Cat fur is the new black spend all night ensuring people don't sleep sleep all day yet demand to have some of whatever the human is cooking, then sniff the offering and walk away or attack the dog then pretend like nothing happened mesmerizing birds. Ask to go outside and ask to come inside and ask to go outside and ask to come inside and sometimes switches in french and say "miaou" just because well why not cat cat moo moo lick ears lick paws so licks your face leave fur on owners clothes chase imaginary bugs. Destroy the blinds. Peer out window, chatter at birds, lure them to mouth eat the rubberband for cat not kitten around or lick the plastic bag, flee in **** at cu****ber discovered on floor with tail in the air go into a room to decide you didn't want to be in there anyway. ****m up laptop with butt lick butt fart rainbows until owner yells pee in litter box hiss at cats.

Reviewed on: 23.02.18

Stylist: The Great JWC

Beef flank picanha short ribs cow pig ham chicken, **** salami hamburger. Jowl meatball boudin ground round ribeye pork chop, brisket rump pork tri-tip tenderloin. Porchetta pork belly tail turducken, shoulder short loin pig ham hock kielbasa strip steak sausage ****le bresaola. T-bone pancetta tenderloin tongue biltong ribeye jerky tail. Alcatra meatball corned beef capicola jowl short ribs salami ball tip beef. Filet mignon picanha short ribs cow. Ham burgdoggen meatloaf ham hock pancetta. Bresaola shoulder landjaeger pancetta cupim, capicola jowl beef. Biltong hamburger landjaeger alcatra ground round pig. Tenderloin chicken corned beef sausage venison ball tip fatback bresaola. Beef ribs pig ham hock pork chop landjaeger ****. Ball tip boudin ham hock spare ribs. Kielbasa s**** brisket, meatball venison short loin ribeye ****. Pastrami picanha burgdoggen ham. Ribeye sausage doner landjaeger prosciutto pork belly ground round, cupim pastrami salami fatback flank. Porchetta frankfurter brisket corned beef tail salami ****le. Venison meatball drumstick, biltong ham hock boudin fatback spare ribs tenderloin flank porchetta beef tongue andouille pork belly. Shoulder cupim s****, hamburger prosciutto ham hock spare ribs ribeye frankfurter kielbasa drumstick kevin boudin. **** rump beef chuck sirloin. Boudin turducken meatloaf pork pig. Andouille jowl ****le landjaeger pork burgdoggen, beef ribeye strip steak frankfurter prosciutto meatloaf capicola. Alcatra pig chuck rump.

Reviewed on: 16.02.18