African Americans women have trouble with moisture retention.

Moisture retention is an issue that African American women face year round, so the summer is no exception. “Environmental factors like atmosphere and water type, plus your own hair type, will all determine what adjustments you need to make in your hair-care routine,” says Titi Branch, co-founder and co-CEO of Miss Jessie’s. Here’s how to keep your hair in its healthiest state.

High Humidity Levels Are Causing Frizz

For natural-hair types, “using formulas high in glycerin will attract moisture to the hair and combat dryness,” says Branch. She recommends trying a styling product like Miss Jessie’s Curly Pudding to help reduce frizz.

For relaxed-hair types, fighting frizz is more of a battle. “Even the slightest bit of humidity or perspiration can revert your hair to its natural state,” says Branch. Opt for pulled-back hairstyles like a ponytail or a ballerina bun to help keep your hair lying flat and reduce any cuticle swelling. The combination of an antihumectant product like Soft Sheen Nouvea Daily Humectant Moisturizing Lotion and the sporadic use of heat tools can also help a frizzy situation.

The Dry Heat Is Zapping Your Hair’s Moisture

To make up for the lack of moisture in the air, natural-hair types should turn to a conditioning product like Motions at Home Nourish Leave-In Conditioner. Keeping a humidifier in your home during the summer months will also give your hair a chance to recover, not to mention your skin will love it!

“Relaxed-hair types need to apply their moisturizing hair dress more often than usual,” says Branch. Also, keep your body temperature as cool as possible, whether that means investing in some cute sundresses or keeping your hair off your neck. Any excessive perspiration will revert your relaxed hair.

Your Area’s Water Type Is Wreaking Hell on Your Strands

Point-blank: Soft water is better on everyone’s hair. “If your local water supply is soft, meaning treated to eliminate the hard minerals, then you should be jumping for joy because that’s one less thing you have to worry about!” says Branch. Hard-water dwellers need not fear! Invest in a shower filter like the Sprite Slim Line Shower Filter With Showerhead to rid your water of troublemaking minerals.

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