Does curl pattern matter? It’s a valid question. Many are actually straddling the fence on how they feel about the purpose and usefulness of knowing your curl pattern. Hair texture includes porosity, density, width, and length, not just curl pattern. Now, many agree that understanding your curl pattern matters when it comes to understanding the products and techniques that will work for you, but there are others who feel it is unnecessary and an unfounded way to help care for your wavy, coily, and curly hair. This whole “let’s love what we’ve been born with revolution or movement” is gaining new followers daily and they need guidance. Not just guidance, but real answers that are applicable to different curl patterns.

Let’s admit it: texture discrimination and curl envy existed far before there was a means of identifying or labeling different curl patterns. Remember the terms good hair, buckshots, baby hair, beady beads, mixed hair? Yep, that inferiority and superiority complex existed far before texture typing.

If anything, curl pattern is very helpful when seeking styling techniques, especially when following YouTubers. Realistic expectations for your hair are major components in self-acceptance, confidence, and love along your journey. 

I think knowing my curl pattern helps me finding products that work for my tresses. I also discovered that using products that were all natural gave me the best curls possible, and by following the Curly Girl Method I found another means of amazing moisture retention. By learning my curl pattern I was able to wash, condition, and style my hair better than ever, so don’t sleep on knowing your curl pattern. Here are reasons it is helpful to know you curl pattern.

When first going natural

Newbies usually ask others what is their curl pattern on Curly Q&A, in forums, groups, and even at hair events as they try to figure everything out. This person is new to the movement and trying to gain as much information and insight as possible. She’s vulnerable and eager to understand, so killing her spirit by balking at her for wanting to know is counterproductive and actually, quite mean-spirited.

Give her the 411 on curl pattern so she can figure out what’s she’s doing and if you don’t know just say that! There is nothing wrong with not knowing the answer. There’s also nothing wrong with wanting to understand your own tresses from all aspects. Everyone has a personal journey and what may not work for you may do wonders for the next curly or wavy girl.

Another thing to consider is that some people frequently used heat during their transition, so their attempt to share photo of their hair in every state, wet or dry, in order to identify their curl pattern can actually create a caveat to a conversation about heat damage.

QUIZ: What’s Your Curl Pattern?

Trying new products

Many company websites will tell you what type of curl pattern their product will work best with. Yes, they have done their homework and know what they are talking about. Does that mean you cannot use them if you don’t fall within that scope? Not at all, but it does mean the product has been either formulated for those hair types or tested on them with success. It’s no secret that a looser curl pattern may be more receptive to a curl defining mousse while a tighter texture might respond better to a gel or custard. These are not absolutes, but they help to provide guidance. A perfect example is our very own CurlyWavyDiane who has a wavy, curly texture, yet she cannot get enough of the SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter Deep Treatment Masque.

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