Sitting back with a good cup of tea may take on a whole new meaning once you read on about how that same cup could also be used as part of your hair care regimen!

Experiencing breakage? Want to cover grey hair? Need to get rid of dandruff? There’s a tea rinse for that.

Chamomile Highlighting Rinse

Great for: blonde hair

Steep 1/3 cup dried chamomile flowers in one quart of hot water. Cool and strain. Pour on hair. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse. Chamomile is also soothing for your facial wrinkles.

Sage Tea Treatment

Great for: grey hair

Combine 1/2 cup of dry sage leaves in 2 cups of water. Steep for 2 hours. Strain, pour over hair.  Leave tea on hair for ½ hour. Rinse out completely. Another effective way to cover grey hair. Use daily for best results, and weekly for maintenance. Sage is an astringent–it’s also used in facial steams and skin conditioners.

Rosemary Growth Rinse

Great for: breakage       

Rosemary helps to stimulate hair growth. Steep 1/4 cup of dried rosemary in 2 cups of boiling water until tepid. Rosemary is also used to battle dandruff and hair loss.

Sage & Rosemary Tea Treatment

Great for: dyed hair

Combine ¼ cup of sage with ¼ cup of rosemary and steep in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes. Strain and use the liquid as a colorant for grey (or to darken brunette curls”>. You will get the benefits of hair softening sage and dandruff fighting rosemary, while stimulating hair growth.

Lovely Lavender Hair Treatment

Great for: dandruff

Simmer ¼ cup of dried lavender in 2 cups of water. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse out completely for a fragrant, effective dandruff treatment.

Did you try one of these rinses? Post your results on our Facebook page! 

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