“My hair hates twist out!” Well, I doubt that. Coily hair is the best to style when it comes to hold and memory. As someone who had her hair regularly maintained in a salon as a child and used salon professional products at home (yes, our stylist hooked us up”>, I have observed that when it specifically comes to styling, it is about 60% technique and 40% product. First and foremost, like with most hair concerns, if your hair is not healthy it will not cooperate. Are your twist outs looking janky and frayed? A nice trim will easily fix that. Curls looking dull and feel crispy? Regular deep conditioning will help preserve the hair’s ability to retain moisture. Healthy hair is an essential base for fierce and successful styling. In the video below, Jenell addresses minor things that could be contributing to your lack of success and satisfaction with your twist outs (with disregard to high humidity with high dew points”>. Sometimes the smallest things we overlook can make a world of difference. Check out the eight reasons your twists outs are a hot mess!

What adjustments have you made that changed your twist outs forever?

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