Greetings Nappies and Wannabes!

My cultural awareness organization, A Nappy Hair Affair (ANHA”>, is not a political party. But we do have a plait-form. We endorse nappiness, plain and simple.

During the last presidential election season, I asked my kinky constituents to tell me which nappy-headed icons they would like to see holding some of the nation’s top positions.

I asked them to tell me which nappy they would pick for president. and who should be the vice. I asked them to name who they would like to see serving as secretary of state and who should serve on the “kitchen” cabinet. (For those too young to understand the reference, “kitchen” is what black folk colloquially call the tightly-coiled or kinky hair that congregates at the nape of our necks.”>

When I posed the election question several years ago, I expected to be inundated with responses. I was wrong. The response was pathetic. I think that my nappy proponents were trying to tell me that they draw the line somewhere. I think they were trying to let me know that the people they chose to be their future leaders need to have a hell of a lot more going for them than a head of kinky hair.

I got the message. But can’t a sister have a little fun?

Since I’m not easily discouraged and we’re easing into another election season, I’m going to try again. Please indulge my madness, dear readers, and play along.

If nappy hair were the only prerequisite for political office, who would you vote for and why?

Have fun with this. Send me your responses, and I’ll select some to print in a future column.

The few who took the time to respond the last time I asked this question produced an interesting assortment of candidates.

Singer Macy Gray was the most popular pick for president. And actors Denzel Washington, Malcolm Jamal Warner and Eddie Murphy were most mentioned for various “kitchen” cabinet posts. I fantasized about having Bob Marley as president if he were alive. And Sandy Fields, a nappy advocate from Detroit dared to place activist attorney Rev. Al Sharpton in the running. When I asked her why she picked Sharpton, she said, “So he’ll feel conspicuously out of place and finally get rid of that perm!”

Let me hair from you.

One request. Please don’t submit the name of our current president. Even though his name is Bush, he doesn’t wear one.

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