hemp oil for dry hairHemp oil contains essential fatty acids, vitamins and protein– all deriving from the hemp seed. It’s been used for thousands of years as a health and beauty booster for hair, skin, and body.

Purchase Manitoba Hemp Oil at your local health food store or organic markets or on Amazon.

As a conditioner, hemp oil softens the scalp and prevents water loss. It’s quick to deliver emollients that hair and scalp often lack.

Hemp oil can preserve water so it can act as a natural moisturizer for your hair roots and scalp. For those who have problems with dry scalp and dandruff–or, if you exercise in extremely dry conditions, frequently–hemp oil offers a good solution.

Omegas 3,6 and 9 are found in hemp oil, and therefore play a vital part in aiding in stimulating hair growth while fighting dryness.

Studies have shown that hemp oil is good for skin, in the same way it’s good for hair. You can even apply it to salad dressings and other foods for extra beauty boosts!

DIY hemp hot oil treatment
  • Mix a few drops of hemp oil  into your favorite products like styling gels or serums and even conditioners for added moisture and nourishment.
  • Combine 1.5 ounces organic hemp seed oil, 1.5 ounces jojoba oil, 1 ounce coconut oil or olive oil, 1/4 tsp silk peptide powder, 5-10 drops of a favorite essential oil (optional”> – mix well and keep refrigorated (hemp oil doesn’t have a long shelf life”>.
  • Use the mixture as a pre-poo treatment for dry hair or, as a post-wash treatment to help seal in much needed moisture.

You will also get the benefits of hemp seed oil in these products:

Nubian Heritage Indian Hemp Co-Wash

Nature’s Gate Hemp Nourishing Conditioner

Oyin Handmade Honey Hemp Conditioner

Bobeam Hair Grower Shampoo Bar

MyHoneyChild Hemp Spread


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