Treat your face

Treat yourself to a facial

5 Things to START doing

1. Natural skin care products. Use skin care products that contain multiple botanical extracts and active ingredients closer to the top of the ingredient list and the waxes and fillers nearer to the bottom of the list.

2. Be consistent. Whatever your skin care routine is, make it a routine and be consistent.

3. Facials. Get a facial by a licensed aesthetician at least once every season. They will know which products are better for your skin and do any necessary extractions and exfoliation in the correct way.

Eat colorful foods

Add some color to your diet

4. Diet. Have a diet that consists of lots of dark-colored fruits and vegetables—all are high in antioxidants, which is great for the skin. Also make sure that omega 3s (fish, whole grains”> are part of your food selections.

5. Supplements. Supplement with a B-complex vitamin – great for hair, nails and skin

And finally, smile, laugh, and surround yourself with positive people that remind you every day what a fabulous, dynamic and incredible person you are!

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