Do you suffer from “Winter Curls Syndrome?:” Dry, brittle, lifeless curls that no longer respond to your normal holy grail regime?

Harsh winds, freezing snow and polluted rain all wreck havoc on your delicate tresses. I created a new homemade recipe, Avocado and Banana Hair Mask, to help restore, rejuvenate and moisturize your hair using ingredients you can find in your kitchen.

Step 1

Step 4

Step 5

Here is what I did.

  1. I clarified my hair, to start fresh, with CURLS Pure Curls Clarifying Shampoo. Remember to ask for a free sample of this with your order, as you only need to clarify 1 time every three to four months.
  2. I applied the Avocado & Banana Mask to my wet hair, and covered it with a plastic cap. I let it set for 10 minutes in the shower.
  3. I thoroughly rinsed out the Avocado & Banana Mask with warm water.
  4. I cleansed again (to help remove the extra mask particles that did not rinse away”>, this time gently with CURLS Curlicious Curls Cleansing Cream.
  5. I finished by conditioning with CURLS Coconut Sublime Moisturizing Conditioner.

The result? SUPER soft, shiny, bouncy curls!

— By Mahisha Dellinger

Fruit & Veggies for Your Hair

We all know that we should supply our bodies with 4-5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day for optimum heath…but what about our hair? Slather this rich mask on your hair and watch your dry winter tresses transform to lustrous locks!

Banana & Avocado Hair Mask


  • 1 medium banana
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 3 Tbsp buttermilk
  • 3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil


  1. Mash banana, egg and avocado in a small bowl.
  2. Add remaining ingredients and stir until well combined.
  3. Apply to hair from roots to tips.
  4. Leave in for 30 minutes and then wash out with a moisturizing shampoo.

Double the recipe for long hair.

CURLS is offering NaturallyCurly readers 20% off on all products. Type in the promotion code NCJAN

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