design courtesy of @cuur

We have seen all sorts of unique hair color combinations gain popularity thanks to trending social media posts from salon professionals and influential online personalities alike. Unfortunately many of them fade away quickly (no pun intended”>. And while it may be difficult for the majority of hair color fads to have staying power beyond a few seasons at most, I have certainly noticed a common thread in many of 2017’s trends:

Healing crystal-themed hues

From tanzanite to garnet to rose quartz, our newfound love for gemstones and crystals is expanding beyond jewelry and home decor.

When it comes for itching that scratch to change things up and try something different, what better time of the year than spring? According to Vision Coach Barbara Bizziou, “Spring is the time when cultures around the world celebrate the possibility of new growth and fresh beginnings… Symbols are the language of the soul, and ritual speaks that language fluently.” Infusing the healing powers of specific items found in nature can, in my opinion, certainly be applied throughout things I am grateful for and can carry around for constant inspiration and grounding–including my curly crown.

yours truly photographed by @skinnywashere + @pursuitofportraits

[quote] Infusing the healing powers of specific items found in nature can, in my opinion, certainly be applied throughout things I am grateful for and can carry around for constant inspiration and grounding–including my curly crown. [/quote]

Being a fan of soothing effects of crystals and stones, I recently decided to partake in the lovely hair color trend myself by enlisting the help of a professional colorist to achieve a garnet-bedazzled hue this spring:

yours truly photographed by @skinnywashere + @pursuitofportraits

“Red garnet stones were considered sacred by African tribal leaders, Aztecs, Mayans, Native American Indians and South American Indians,” according to The Healing Chest. “The red mineral rocks were believed to impart enhanced awareness with the flash of light that seems to emanate from the center of garnet gemstones which supports garnet meaning. The red garnet gemstone was also thought to assist with bringing creative powers to fruition.”

This is especially important to me for harnessing the energy of springtime.

  • Other seasonal crystals: opal, amber coral, lapis lazuli, and aquamarine.

More than ever curlies want their ringlets and coils to reflect that of the beautiful tones found throughout nature, which is changing the meaning of the word natural completely. For so many years we wrote off vibrant–or subtle–blues, greens, and purples as forbidden shades to be worn on hair in a ‘professional’ or ‘mature’ environment. Thanks to evolving societal norms shifting to display more inclusion of typically unconventional forms of self-expression, the normalization of crystals for holistic reasons leads me to confirm that stone-inspired hair color wants to stick around the party a bit longer.

Would you ever dye your hair based on a color’s symbolic meaning?

I’d love to know your thoughts.

Follow me on Instagram @DevriVelazquez

Follow NaturallyCurly for more curls inspiration @NaturallyCurly!

Read why I Just Dyed My Hair For the First Time in 2 Years 

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