Navigating The Sew-In Era As A 4C Natural
Image Source: @rosiekpn

I love experimenting with my hair as much as the next person, but a slight shiver ran through my spine when I saw that traditional sew-ins were coming back in style. A traditional sew-in weave is a popular technique where extensions are attached to a braided base. A portion of hair is left out in front to cover hair tracks and provide a more seamless appearance. 

If you’re like me and have 4C hair, achieving the trendy soft, curled-heavy layered sew-in look isn’t as easy to achieve as it seems. When chemical relaxers were commonly used, this would be an easy effort since our chemically straightened tresses could easily blend into the extensions used. However, attempting this today (as a full-blown natural) will have us all looking like a frizzy mess. Nonetheless, there are ways to avoid this without completely frying your hair off

It’s All In The Hair

Extensions are not one texture fits all, so it’s best to experiment and see which extensions mimic your natural hair best. Being that I have a coarser hair texture, I’ve personally loved yaki straight hair because it provides the most seamless blend, even on the most humid days. Plus, I don’t have to run a flat iron through my leave-out constantly.

Another option is to purchase deep wave extensions and blow them out to achieve your desired style. Consider this option a two-for-one, especially on the days when you simply want to rock some curls! UK-based brand, Ruka Hair provides texture-matching extensions so that every naturalista can find hair that works for them. However, if you’re balling on a budget Amazon provides affordable alternatives, too.

Navigating The Sew-In Era As A 4C Natural
Image Source: @rosiekpn

Stretch and Protect

My go-to products while wearing a sew-in consist of heat-protective sprays and oils that can withstand my favorite hot tools. On clean and damp hair, I go in with the COLOR WOW Extra Strength Dream Coat, an anti-humidity hair treatment spray that combats frizz and protects hair from heat. It also lasts up to three to four shampoos. Afterward, I follow up with Revlon’s One-Step Hair Dryer and Styler, which makes stretching out my natural kinks a breeze.

Most of the time, I’d stop here and finish up with the Olaplexth No.7 Bonding Oil, which adds shine while protecting, strengthening, and repairing my hair. But on days I want a sleeker look, I’ll follow up with a straightening tool like the BaBylissPRO Nano Titanium Ultra-Thin Hair Straightener (on the lowest heat setting).

Article continues after video.
Source: @rosiekpn

Keeping It Cute

The good part about using yaki hair extensions is that the upkeep is much easier. I use less heat and it looks more seamless because it matches my natural hair texture. If you’re a super low-maintenance natural (like me) and don’t want to deal with the fuss of washing around your sew-in wefts, try out the Divo Express Sew-In method.

Article continues after video.

Introducing the DESI (Divo Express Sew In) Method ✨ Send this to your hairstylists and tell them you want this for your next CLIPT install 🫶🏾 #GetCLIPT #CLIPTbyLA #HairTok #BlackGirlHairstyles #ClipinHairExtensions #SewInInstall #Clipins

♬ original sound – CLIPT
Image Source: @cliptbyla

This approach allows you to attach clip-in extensions to your cornrows instead of weaving on your hair wefts. This way, you can clip off your extensions, wash your natural hair like normal, and reapply your clip-in when ready.

Navigating The Sew-In Era As A 4C Natural
Image Source: @rosiekpn

In short, having 4C curls doesn’t mean you have to limit the way you wear your hair. It simply means you have to show your kinky mane more love and attention. Personally, that sounds like a win to me! With the advancement of hair technology, we can rejoice knowing that we naturals can partake in the latest hair trends without compromising the health of our hair and the integrity of our curls. Whether you’re getting a voluminous layered look or long bone-straight hair, just make sure you’re getting a texture that works for you!

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