
I always hear about people opting to wear protective styles during the harsh winter. But what about protecting your hair during the hot summer months? I’ve worn micro braids and Senegalese twists, but never tried my hand at kinky twists. If you follow the same premise of two strand twists, kinky twists should be a fairly straight forward installation and can save you lots of money should you choose to do them yourself. Here’s how I did mine!


I started with freshly washed hair, then washed, conditioned and also went ahead and deep conditioned since I planned to keep my hair in this style for at least a month. Once my hair was clean and separated into four sections, I applied Kinky-Curly Knot Today as my base leave-in, EDEN BodyWorks Jojoba Monoi Hair Oil and EDEN BodyWorks Jojoba Monoi Hair Milk to seal it all in. This combination of products gave me soft, well moisturized hair and allowed me to proceed to the next step.

Once my hair was nourished, I applied a light coating of grapeseed oil to each section before I tension blow dried my hair. During tension blow drying, it’s important to use a heat protectant and grapeseed oil offers a natural option for heat protection. It’s also important to make sure your hair isn’t soaking wet when blow drying. Working with damp hair will make it easier to keep the hair smooth and speed up your blow dry session. Finally, make sure to keep the heat settings on low to medium so you don’t burn your hair!

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