Rise and shine: it’s 2019! Out with the old, in with the new. As Oprah Winfrey says, “Cheers to a new year and another chance to get it right.” What would you like to get right this year? What do you plan to start or keep working on? Here’s a list of New Year’s resolutions to inspire you and your waves, curls, and coils.

New Years Resolutions for Women - With a Twist

1. Be more loving and compassionate toward yourself and your hair.

You have thousands of thoughts a day. Thousands. How many are kind and encouraging of you and your hair? Exactly! You can do better. “Loving who you are isn’t vanity. It is sanity,” said writer and motivational speaker Katrina Mayer. Be aware of what you say in the morning in the mirror, and be vigilant throughout the day. Love how your curls look one day? Super! Now carry those encouraging thoughts and positive energy into the days when you’re not as pleased. Be as loving and compassionate toward yourself and your hair as you would with others. You deserve it.

2. Drink more water, and hydrate your hair.

Like exercise, drinking more water is a resolution and ongoing goal for many. Also like exercise, it’s essential and beneficial to our health. There are amazing beauty benefits from drinking enough water, like hair hydration and growth. Yes, there are excellent moisturizing deep conditioners. But it’s also important to hydrate our hair from the inside out. How much water a day depends on the person. Here are some helpful guidelines.

3. Get the frizz out of your hair.

Tired of feeling the frizz? First, see No. 1. Second, let’s go to work! Check out these detailed steps on how to How to Quit Frizz in 7 Days.

4. Join a natural hair organization.

There are many worthy causes to put your time and energy into this year. How about one that celebrates your textured hair and empowers others to do the same? Here are 5 Natural Hair Organizations Changing the World One Curl at a Time.

5. Find the right stylist for your hair. (Or, thank the one you have!”>

A relationship with a stylist is one of the most important relationships one can have.

If you’re still searching for a stylist that knows his or her way around your curls and coils, check out A Cut Above the Rest: Finding a Stylist For Curly Hair. And if you’re lucky enough to have an exceptional stylist like Sharita of theloftmedford, Marcel of babybangz, Curlyhairtreatmentsbyzoary, or Hairqueen_stef, let them know how much you appreciate them and their genuine care for your curls.

6. Try something new.

We have our comfort zones, now don’t we? From food to fashion, we know what we like, and we tend stick to it. But as has been said, the best way to grow is to step out of our comfort zone. When it comes to your hair, how about trying a new hairstyle or new hair product in 2019? Still not sure? Listen to Michelle Obama: “Just try new things. Don’t be afraid. Step out of your comfort zones and soar, all right?”

7. Give meditation a try.

Speaking of trying something new, how about meditation? There are so many benefits to starting your day by sitting quietly: reduce stress, increase focus, and improve sleep. No time? Not true. Tried it but having difficulty sticking to it? Don’t give up! Here’s one NaturallyCurly writer’s experience: What I Discovered After 7 Days of Meditating. And here are some recommended meditation apps to guide you in your practice.

8. Express more gratitude.

“Gratitude” is more than a buzzword. It has the power to transform our lives. By being actively grateful, we can attract more of what we want. Some say the power of gratitude is undeniable. Here are ways you can practice gratitude daily. Plus, check out the holy-grail products that hairstylists are grateful for.

9. Take steps toward your dream.

If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you do? Tough love: Why aren’t you doing it? List the excuses, put them aside, and then get going on your dream. Start from wherever you are. There’s no right time, no perfect scenario. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, right? But you have to put your foot forward, then the other foot, and repeat. Here’s a list of ten steps to make your dream come true. Then, “Excuse me while I succeed,” as motivational speaker Stephanie Lahart says.

10. Be fearless.

Be confident and proud of yourself and your texture. Be bold and pursue your dreams (see No. 9″>. It’s natural to feel fear. But face it head on. Go through it, not around it. Having an off day or two? You’re not alone. Get back up and keep going. “Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless.” (Unknown”> Don’t wait until 2020 or beyond. Start in 2019. This is your year!

What are your resolutions for 2019? Please share below. Happy New Year!

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